Future Research work in the schedule of Agriculture sector

Bio fertilizer
Bio fertilizer play a role as environmentally friendly Nutrient supplement for plant growth that emphasis on maintenance of soil health, minimize environmental pollution and cut down use of chemicals in agriculture. They are nothing but selected strains of beneficial soil Microorganisms cultured in the laboratory and packed in a suitable carrier. Bio fertilizers provide nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc etc., through their activities in the soil or rhizoshpere and make available to plants. These may include Azatobacter, Azospirillum, Azolla, and Blue green algae, Rhizobium, Phosphate solubilizing Microorganisms etc. The opted process preserve soil nativity, enhancing crop yield with stable, study and sustainable agricultural practice with versatile native cropping patterns.
Waste Management
Solid waste management (SWM) has become a global issue and the increasing urbanization and changing lifestyles have increased the waste generation rate especially in developing countries, due to various environmental problems, such as air, soil and water pollution, also generation of greenhouse gases from landfills. Waste management practices can differ for developed and developing nations for urban and rural areas and for residential and industrial producers. Genelon opt to take up the research, which are eco friendly and suits to specific country scenario with every refinement, which suits to save the globe as such. Future focus in Genelon high lights on enhancing the sources which reduces waste and develops techniques which focuses on efficient recycling process, some of the arenas which we would to high light upon is mentioned here under.
1. Developing durable products, instead which disposable and cheaply made.
2. To develop repair/restore used items before replacing them.
3. To innovate the techniques,to produce the products, which can be reused and recycled locally.
4. Developing efficient packaging eco friendly techniques, which reduce the level of toxin production...etc.
In India, the treatment option that is widely accepted and also suitable for Indian solid waste is composting. There is no doubt that in India, where on side pollution is increasing due to accumulation of organic wastes and on the other side there is shortage of organic manure, which could increase the fertility and productivity of the land and produce nutritive and safe food. So the scope for Vermicomposting is enormous.
Vermicomposting is the process by which worms are used to convert organic materials (usually wastes) into a humus-like material known as vermin composting.
In Genelon research efforts are being made/making in processing certain organic waste material into compost, keeping a view of good quality and minimal time consumption.
We are also into providing a platform for Academic student group for pursuing research in the fore said relevant field with the available consortium.