Flow-cytometry Based Services

- Quantitative analysis of receptors upon drug treatment
- Validation and evaluation studies for receptor expression
- Real time measurement of ligand-receptor interactions
- Drug discovery/screening based on G Protein-coupled Receptors (GPCRs) expression
- Cell cycle analysis
- Gene/protein expression studies
- Cancer Marker Detection:
A2B1, A2B5, A6 integrin, ALDH, CD340/HER-2 Neu, CD5, CD9, CD13, CD19, CD20, CD23, CD24, CD34, CD34/CXCR4, CD44, CD63, CD133, CD177, CXCR4, CD151, CD164, EpCAM, ER, Nestin, PR-A & B and others. - CD4/CD8 T-cell count and soluble HIV antigen detections
- Circulating EPC(endothelail progenitor cells) precussors
- Activated platelet identification
- HLA-B27 detection in spondylo arthropathies
- Exclusive CD34 cell count from total blood
- Cancer Marker Detection: