To Improve Nutritional and Health Status of Women and Children-A Clinical Trial in Urban and Rural Karnataka-India
Under-nutrition undermines the survival, growth and development of children and women and diminishes the strength and capacity of nations. Under nourished mothers have a greater chance of giving birth to low-birth-weight babies. About 20% of children below five years of age suffer from wasting of muscles, 43% of them are underweight and 48% are stunted due to chronic under nutrition.
Our approach is to work towards improving the eco friendly nutritional and health status of a mother and a child, creating awareness about health and hygiene among commoners and formulating some of the major deficient components like Zinc, Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C etc., in the acceptable forms and empowering women through multitasking approach.
Food Science
Developing natural detoxifying techniques for different underutilized crops and focus on product development’ using locally available regional and seasonal food habits to preserve native dietary habits naturopathically, in turn leading to absolute health. Dietary habits propagation and duration preserves native things in turn native habits acting and yielding absolute preventive health. Hence the future research in Genelon focuses on native naturopathic and nutritive aspects.
Projects on community nutrition and health
All over the world children’s and adults are vulnerable to malnutrition because of low dietary intakes, in rural and slum areas. Due to excess consumption and non eco friendly junk foods leading to obesity, cancer and cardiac disorders, particularly among young generation. Hence the projects are planned to preserve health in an eco friendly manner using all native techniques which includes, education on providing, growing, using, and distributing the food crops which are native and eco friendly. Also project aims to inculcate monitoring and monitoring evaluating issues, which includes research in major. We also plan to cross-pollinate and collaborative with different govt. and non-governmental agencies for efficient execution and enhanced out puts and results. Genelon opts to attract the arena in up scaling underutilized crops, educating the folk for local herbs and growing in the kitchen gardens and empowering the rural women in different aspects in turn they build the efficient and healthy society maintaining and preserving all native things at gross root level